Directions to Conference Facility
The SPRSA Symposium will be held at NASA Ames Research Center (ARC) in the ballroom of the NASA Ames Conference Center (NACC), Building 3. Below are directions to NASA ARC from major highways.
Once at the NASA ARC Main Gate, please display your state-issued driver license to the guards and let them know that you are attending the SPRSA (Rideshare) Symposium in the NACC in Building 3. Once past the Main Gate, follow the ‘RideShare’ road signs to the NACC.
Parking is available in parking lots west and east of the NACC as indicated on the map. Please enter the NACC from the Main Entrance on Severyns Road.
Please call/text Julianna Fishman at 650-930-0690 if you need assistance with directions or while on-site at Ames.
NASA Ames Conference Center
Building 3
500 Severyns Rd.
(between North Akron and South Akron)
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035
Directions to NASA Ames Conference Center
From Highway 101, take Exit 398 (Moffett Blvd to NASA Parkway), turn right at the light. Continue straight toward the NASA Main Gate.
From Highway 85, take Exit 24A (Moffett Blvd) turn right at the light and follow Moffett Blvd over the Highway 101 overpass. Continue straight toward the NASA Main Gate.